Firmafy - Firma electrónica para empresas
Firmafy - Firma electrónica para empresas


Conditions of service


These purchase conditions apply between the owner of this website and its client users, who contract Firmafy’s online signature services through the website

This website and its content belong to Grupo2000 Consultores Estratégicos S.L, with CIF B19681642, based at C / Ciego de Arjona, 2. 18012 Granada. Firmafy is a trademark registered in the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office, owned by Grupo2000 Consultores Estratégicos S.L., hereinafter Firmafy.

Contact information: / Telephone: 858 98 71 55


The purpose of this website is to present and offer all users an advanced electronic signature solution to sign all types of documents online (the maximum capacity of each document sent is 10MB).

Firmafy offers 6 types of price plans or subscription types: Free, Basic, Professional, Premium, Corporate and Corporate Plus, whose characteristics and conditions can be seen in detail in the section “Rates” of this website at the time of contracting the service.

The contracting of Firmafy’s price plans may be done with a monthly or annual payment plan. The amount will vary according to the type of payment chosen.

In the case of contracting a monthly or annual plan from Firmafy, the renewal of the plan will be done automatically by the application, unless the user unchecks the automatic renewal box.

In the case of contracting a monthly plan, if there are still shipments pending to be used, at the end of the contracted term, they cannot be accumulated. Only the remaining shipments will be accumulated if the annual plan is renewed.

There is a free trial option, called “Free”, which includes the signature, number of shipments and maximum storage capacity of the documents in accordance with the conditions expressly set out in the “Rates” section, through the private area of ​​the Firmafy user.

The online contracting of any of Firmafy’s price plans implies that the user accepts the conditions of the service in advance and expressly by accepting the sending of the subscription or purchase form.

Similarly, by accepting the subscription or purchase form, the user will be accepting the privacy and data protection policy and legal validity published on the Firmafy website.

The purpose of these purchase conditions is to regulate and detail the rules for contracting Firmafy services by the client user.

Each option of Firmafy’s electronic signature service offers different characteristics, which are described on the website, in the “Rates” section, at the time of subscription to the selected plan, which the user must validate prior to contracting the Firmafy services.

Any natural or legal person who needs online signature services may be a client of Firmafy, as long as they have completed the mandatory registration through the platform and purchase process.

If it is a natural person, in addition to these conditions, the provisions of the regulations for the defense and protection of consumers and users will apply.

If it is a self-employed person or legal entity, the conditions of purchase of Firmafy that are included in this page will apply.

In the case of signing users, who receive a document to sign from Firmafy, but are not subscribed to the application, they will not be considered clients. Hereinafter we will refer to them as signatories.


Information and acceptance of the general conditions of service

To contract the services of Firmafy, it is necessary for the user to register as a client through the registration form on the website, where it will indicate the essential data to process and facilitate the service properly and keep you informed about news of our services and information of interest.

For your registration you must indicate your name and surname, email account, telephone number, company and CIF.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services to the information society and electronic commerce and data protection regulations, the acceptance of the general conditions of Firmafy services and the acceptance of privacy and data protection policies, it will be done through the marking by means of the check box of “I have read and accept the privacy policy and data protection and conditions of service of Firmafy”, which the user will find at the time of Fill in the application form for the plan you have chosen.

Acceptance of these conditions is essential in order to continue with the purchase process and so that Firmafy can provide its services in accordance with the aforementioned regulations.

Once these conditions have been registered and accepted, the user will be considered a Firmafy client.

After registering on the Firmafy website, the client will receive an email confirming their registration, so that they can verify their email. Next, you will be asked to create your password.

Likewise, any service contracted afterwards, different from the one initially contracted, must be validated and accepted in due course, according to the conditions inherent to it.

The delivery of the service will be understood to be carried out by Firmafy through the sending of the verification email for the client to create their access codes, to the email indicated by the client at the time of registration, from which time they can begin to enjoy the contracted service.

The user is advised that he must review and check all the data provided, as well as the fields related to the services requested, at the time of registering or contracting the services, since they will be the essential contact information for Firmafy to be able to facilitate its services and send you communications to provide it properly.

In case of incident with any of the services, billing, application of rates, you can contact our team through the email

In the event of an error in the notification of any data in the subscription, the user may modify it within the Firmafy platform, in their user profile.

Except if it is an error in the email provided, since a mistake would affect the confirmation email to continue the registration process, in which case you would have to contact Firmafy through the email and request assistance .

Requirements to access Firmafy services

Firmafy’s client must be at least 18 years old, it cannot be acquired by minors.

If Firmafy detects at any time that a user is under said age, it will proceed to the automatic cancellation of the contracted services and the refund of the amounts paid.

In the case of being an administrator or representative of a company, the user must have sufficient authorization or power to formalize the contracting of Firmafy’s services on his behalf.

By checking the box of conditions of service and privacy and data protection policy with a check, the client declares to comply with these requirements and accepts the conditions of service and other Firmafy policies, published on its website.

Service price

The price of the contracted electronic signature service will be provided in the “Rates” section of the website and during the contracting process.

The client will also choose the payment method, which may be monthly or yearly. Depending on the chosen modality, the amount of the selected price plan will vary. The amount and conditions of the chosen price plan will be those indicated on the rates page at the time of purchase.

Once the service has been contracted, the client will be able to download his invoice in his user panel, in the “Invoices” section.

The amounts entered in the Rates section will be final prices, they do not include the corresponding VAT percentage according to current regulations in Spain and European Directives, taking into account the address of the natural or legal person who purchases the services.

The corresponding VAT percentage will be broken down in the billing section of the user’s private area and at the time of contracting.

The client will be informed prior to the purchase of the corresponding percentage and amount of VAT to be applied.

Firmafy reserves the right to modify prices at any time, respecting the rates that have been contracted prior to said change, until the moment the volume of signatures or shipments contracted by the client is exhausted. For the following contracts, the client must pay the fees for the services indicated at that time on the website

Hiring process

In order to access Firmafy services, the client must register through the website

For this purpose, a user profile will be created, for which it will be necessary to voluntarily provide a series of personal data and accept the privacy and data protection policies and conditions of service.

Once you have registered, you must select the Firmafy rate chosen and complete the payment of the selected price plan.

To do this, you must access your user panel, which you will find on the website You can access by clicking on the “Login” button and entering the password you have created (after validating a verification email that you will receive in your email account) and your username.

Once inside the platform and after selecting the chosen plan, you will complete the payment by credit or debit card.

In this process, you will be informed again about the selected service, its price and the specific conditions of the contracted service. After this informative summary, the client will again expressly accept the conditions of service.

Both in the email and on the platform, you will find the steps to follow to configure your private area and start using the services contracted with Firmafy.

If when starting to use the services of Firmafy there is any type of incident, the client should contact Firmafy, addressing

The duration of the contracted service will be that indicated in the conditions of the rate that the user has chosen, within the “Rates” section of the website or in the accepted budget, which the Firmafy team has sent, in the case of a plan customized for the company.

For the following Firmafy services contracting, the client must simply select the desired price plan and make the payment from their private area on the Firmafy platform.

If the expiration date of the contracted prices arrives, the client has not used all the shipments included, he will only be able to enjoy them if he has contracted an annual plan and renews it, in which case, the remaining shipments would be added to those of the new plan hired. To carry out this management you can do it from your private area.

Firmafy will offer you 10 days of courtesy after the expiration of your annual plan, to accumulate shipments in case of renewal.

If after the indicated period, you decide not to renew, the shipments that you did not enjoy would be lost.

In case of not renewing the contracting of Firmafy services, once the contracted plan is finished, the user will be able to access their private area, where they will only be able to view the documentation that they have signed through Firmafy and their signature audit documents, but you will not be able to make new shipments to sign online. You could only do so if you hire a new service plan from your private area.

Way to pay

After selecting the most suitable rate for their needs, the client must make the payment of the amount by credit or debit card.

To do this, you will use a Firmafy virtual POS, where you will enter the details of the card that the cardholder wishes to use. These payments will be made in accordance with Law 16/2009, of November 13, and the customer must be the cardholder or be authorized to make that purchase with it.

It will be necessary to enter the card number, expiration date, 3-digit security code that appears on the back of the card and its holder.

This type of payment is made through a secure payment gateway, which encrypts all the data entered by the customer.

Likewise, all payments will require authorization from the appropriate banking entity.

For the payments of the annual plans, it will be allowed to make the payment by bank transfer. The client must make the deposit, of the amount plus the corresponding VAT, to the account number indicated in the “Plans” section, within their user panel. When making the transfer, you must indicate in the subject the email with which you registered and the plan contracted.

Once the transfer payment is confirmed, our team will activate your plan.


Once the payment process has been completed, the client will be able to download the invoice corresponding to the contracted services from their private area, accessing with their password and user, or by requesting it expressly in

The invoice will include the contracted concepts, their amount and a breakdown of the corresponding Value Added Tax.

Obligations of the client

The client must pay the amount of the selected rate prior to accessing the contracted service, except if the rate requested is the “Free” option.

The client must guarantee that the data provided is correct, truthful and exact, exempting Firmafy from any liability that may arise from errors in the data.

The client must be over 18 years of age and have sufficient legal capacity to contract the services of Firmafy and act on behalf of an entity, in case of contracting the services for a legal entity.

The client must respect the conditions of the service to which he agrees with the acceptance of these purchase conditions, as well as the current regulations in all areas, without violating the rights or interests of third parties, in the use they make of the services of Firmafy and its platform.

The client will undertake to make good use of their private area and the services of Firmafy, within the framework of current Spanish and European regulations.

The use of the contracted services corresponds only to the client or company contracting the services. The client will not make Firmafy’s platform or services available to third parties.

The client must duly safeguard his access code to his user panel. Otherwise, it will exempt Firmafy from responsibility for any derived incident.

The signing user of Firmafy will not be able to give anyone the OTP code that he receives on his mobile phone before performing the electronic signature of the document. Otherwise, it will exempt Firmafy from responsibility for any derived incident.

Users signing through Firmafy, who are not clients of Firmafy, must enter, prior to signing, an OTP key that will arrive on their mobile. These users must duly safeguard said OTP code and not provide it to third parties. In the case of a contract, it will exempt Firmafy from responsibility for any derived incident.

In case of loss of access codes, or theft of identity or access codes, or of having evidence of a possible risk or access by an unauthorized third party, it is the customer’s responsibility to immediately inform Firmafy so that they can take Measures.

The client is obliged to respect the current regulations on European and Spanish data protection, and must previously inform their clients or persons to whom they send documentation from Firmafy of the processing of their data and their rights as responsible for their treatment. , exempting Firmafy from these obligations.

The client will not be able to send documents through Firmafy that may violate the rights of minors, content considered material for adults, malware or viruses, documents of fraudulent activities or that contain inappropriate language or susceptible to situations of harassment.

In the event of a misuse of Firmafy services or non-compliance with these conditions of purchase and customer obligations, Firmafy reserves the right to revoke the customer’s access to the platform and take the appropriate legal measures. In these cases, the client will not have the right to a refund of the amounts paid and there will be no need for prior notice from Firmafy, without this being able to give the right to any compensation. Likewise, Firmafy reserves the right to claim compensation from the client based on the seriousness of the events or take the appropriate legal actions.

Firmafy obligations

Firmafy must provide the electronic signature service in accordance with the characteristics and conditions contracted by the client at the time of purchase and these conditions of service.

Firmafy will act at all times as a trusted third party with respect to the signatures, having to keep in an encrypted form all the documentation signed through its platform for a period of no less than five years, in compliance with Law 34/2002, of April 11. July, information services and electronic commerce.

For this reason, Firmafy will store and safeguard said documents safely during the legally required period and they may not be eliminated under any circumstances, except for judicial resolution.

Firmafy must adopt the appropriate security measures, including those relating to the protection of user and customer data, both on the platform, and in the sending and subsequent custody of the signed documentation.

Firmafy will provide via SMS an OTP (One Time Password) code to all signing users of Firmafy, which it will send to the signer’s mobile phone to verify their identity prior to signing. The user will have to enter the OTP code before signing.

Likewise, Firmafy will make available to each signatory a copy of the signed document, together with a complete audit of the signing process. Both documents will be sent to the email accounts indicated by the Firmafy client.

Firmafy undertakes to solve possible incidents that may occur on the signature platform or service, as long as said incidents or errors are due to a problem related to the Firmafy computer system or server, making the support team available to the client. technical.

Firmafy will adopt the security measures that are its own when acting as data processor or as data controller, in accordance with the privacy and data protection policy.

Firmafy will not be responsible for errors or damages that occur in which the user or client acts in bad faith or negligently.

Firmafy will not be responsible for the misuse of the platform by the client, or the misuse by users of the information provided through the Firmafy online signature service or any of the circumstances that are consigned in the section “Obligations of the client”.

Firmafy will not be responsible for the damages that may be caused as a result of the use of documents that are not suitable for signing, so that the recipient cannot sign them validly.

Firmafy will collaborate and notify the competent authorities of these types of situations, when they may cause damage to the company, third parties or there are indications of illegality in the client’s actions, at the time they are known or are required by a competent authority .

Likewise, Firmafy will not be responsible for any error, failure in use, or delay in sending or signing the documents that occurs for reasons beyond Firmafy’s control, force majeure situations or any of the situations indicated in the section “ Obligations of the client ”.

Firmafy is not responsible for the processing of uninformed data that correspond to the client or user, regarding the data used in the Firmafy service. It will only be responsible for the correct treatment of those data where Firmafy acts as the data controller.

Firmafy Guarantee

The Firmafy website, the platform through which our services are offered and the storage system for signed documentation comply with current regulations on electronic signatures and data protection.

Firmafy has maximum security systems on its servers and HTTPS security protocols in all processes.

Firmafy’s electronic signature service complies with the characteristics and requirements demanded in the EU Regulation 910/2014, also known as eIDAS.

For more information about our privacy and data protection policy, see our privacy policies.

Duration of the service contracted with Firmafy

The duration of the service contracted with Firmafy will be that indicated on the page at the time of purchase of the plan chosen by the client.

This period of time will begin to count from the payment through the website of the selected plan.

Once the contracted period has ended, the only way to continue using Firmafy’s signature service will be by contracting a new plan through your private area, in which case, the new contracted period would start from that moment until the end of the period indicated in the plan conditions at the time of purchase.

Right of return or withdrawal

The rates (except the “Free” version) will have a trial period of 14 calendar days from the date of contracting the service.

In case of desisting or not wanting to use the contracted services, the client must indicate it before said term to Firmafy, since otherwise it is presumed that the client agrees with the contracted services.

If the client requests the refund of the amounts before the 14-day period, they will be reimbursed, using the same form of payment that was used at the time of hiring by the client.

To be able to withdraw from the contracted services, the client must send an email to, where they will indicate their data, the contracted service and what is the reason for their withdrawal. To do this, you must use this form.

After receiving the withdrawal request, Firmafy will contact the client within 7 calendar days, counting from the date of receipt of the withdrawal form. And it will proceed to refund the amount if it is confirmed that the request has been made within the period stipulated for the withdrawal in the conditions of sale.

The withdrawal will not give rise to any economic compensation, it will simply proceed to the refund of the amount that has been paid within the established deadlines.

After the 14-day trial or withdrawal period from the client, returns of the contracted service will not be accepted.

In the event that the client decides to terminate the contract before its expiration, for reasons beyond the control of Firmafy, Firmafy will retain the amounts already paid up to that moment as a penalty.

Said resolution before expiration will not release the client from any other pending payment, which must be paid.

In case of not wanting the automatic renewal of his annual or monthly plan, the client must uncheck the automatic renewal box that he will find in his user panel.

Intellectual property

The images, content, programming code, platform, website and blog are the property of Firmafy, and are protected by copyright, as well as intellectual and / or industrial property rights.

It is expressly prohibited to use, reproduce, distribute, transform, or use for commercial purposes or any other type of exploitation of the material owned by Firmafy, without the prior signed consent of Firmafy.

For more information, you can go to the Legal Notice page of this website.

Industrial property

Grupo2000 Consultores Estratégicos is the owner of the “Firmafy” brand, and the Firmafy online signature program, registered in the competent patent and trademark office.

The use of the Firmafy or Grupo2000 Consultores Estratégicos brand and any type of content owned by Grupo2000 Consultores Estratégicos is prohibited, without having the prior written consent of Grupo2000.

For more information, you can go to the Legal Notice page of this website.

Image rights of the client

The client, by accepting these purchase conditions, authorizes Firmafy to use his brand or corporate image as a Firmafy client for the presentation of his services to third parties, both through the Firmafy website, and through other types of corporate or advertising media.

This consent does not imply at any time the transfer of the client’s brand, it will only be used for the aforementioned purposes, and may be revoked at any time if the client expressly indicates it.

Modification of the purchase conditions

Firmafy may make modifications to these conditions if it deems it necessary. The changes will be communicated to the users appropriately. Without prejudice to the fact that the conditions published at the time of hiring the Firmafy service apply to the client.

The client will not be able to modify the conditions, the service conditions will be those contracted at the time of purchase through the web, in accordance with the conditions detailed at and these service conditions.

Applicable legislation

Firmafy’s purchase conditions are established in accordance with Spanish and European legislation.

In case of conflict or discrepancy in the interpretation or application of these conditions, the competent court will be the one that corresponds to the natural person. In case of being a legal person, the competent court will be that of the city of Granada (Spain).

In addition to these purchase conditions, the Firmafy website offers information on the rest of the legal policies, in the Legal Notice sections, Data Protection and Privacy Policies and Cookies Policies.

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